My Story

As a child, I knew that i was destined for more...
As a young kid, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother, or “Nana” as I called her. She had a huge heart and protected and guided me. Whether it was playing card games together, sneaking into the cookie jar with her, or napping under the crocheted blankets that she made for me, I always enjoyed her peaceful and calming presence.
She was always there for me. With her is where I first began to know what it means to love unconditionally.
But as I grew, I ran into some major roadblocks...
Growing up in “The Region” just outside of Chicago, life wasn’t easy. Surrounded by steel mills, many people were blue collar workers, working hard and sacrificing to provide for their families. The atmosphere was heavy. Drug and alcohol abuse was rampant. We lived in rough neighborhoods. My teenage next door neighbor was shot and killed at his front door one afternoon during a drug deal.
It wasn’t a great place for a “gifted and talented” child, as they classified me, to thrive. I felt unsafe. I was happiest at school, where I was praised for my scholastic achievements, or on the basketball court, where I could escape reality.
And I became what others wanted me to be...
Feeling unsafe at home and in the world, I tried to fit in and become what others wanted me to be. Frustrated with my inability to be perfect, I wasted away many nights as a teenager, disregarding rules, ignoring curfews, and disappearing from home for days. I desperately wanted to feel okay, but peace always escaped me.
I began to dull the constant pain of life at home by spending more time staying out late with friends. At home, the pressure to be perfect was overwhelming, so I tried to drown it. But, the more I avoided it, the more sadness built up inside. I spent many night partying and hoping that tomorrow would never come. After high school ended, I went to college far away from home because that’s what I thought I was supposed to do… Go to college, graduate, get a job, work for 40 years, retire…

Until I couldn't do it any more...
Although I was enrolled in college classes, I didn’t attend many of them at first. I spent most nights wasting away with no hope of better days. After a couple more years of self-sabotage, I had a wake-up call and started acing my classes. But even after I graduated from college, I still had a deep void inside of me that was filling with pain and sadness.
In my 20’s and 30’s, I worked in corporate jobs and spent time in relationships, trying to prove my value to the world through achievements and status. But nothing that I accomplished or possessed made me feel any better. I earned an MBA degree, got promoted at work, got married, bought cars and houses, had a child, got divorced, moved, took new jobs, made more money… Yet, everywhere I looked, I could not find peace.

Then, I finally discovered MY true purpose...
After years of personal challenges, I knew something had to give. I had been carrying around this heavy pain for decades. I found myself completely depressed, buried in debt after an expensive divorce, fighting for parenting time with my young son, frustrated with my corporate job, exhausted, and defeated. I hit rock bottom.
Feeling like I had no place to turn, and being at my lowest point, I was called to embark on a dynamic period of growth and expansion. I attended countless personal development seminars, read hundreds of books, hired several personal coaches, traveled internationally, and attended many spiritual healing retreats. It was during this time that I experienced samadhi, oneness, and pure love. I transcended into limitless love and abundance.
And that purpose has provided the most amazing gifts...
This journey led me to the discovery of my divine and infinite greatness. With strong faith and belief, I pursued my dreams and delivered my gifts to the world. Everything that I had experienced throughout my life began to make sense. I understood how I could help others liberate themselves from fear and find joy and peace in their lives. With more than 1,000 hours of personal development education and training, I am qualified to help others reach their potential and transform their lives.
Now, I invite you to join me and discover that you can experience something greater. With my help, learn how to turn your fear into freedom, pain into peace, and heartache into joy. Join me and discover your purpose and rediscover your power!